SkiesRBlue Stables Pride's Spotted Spirit passed unexpectedly and prematurely in May of 2008. Please visit the page of our Black and White Homozygous Tobiano Stallion Sky High Ryder. A Homozygous Tobiano Tennessee Walking Horse and Spotted Saddle Horse Stallion
Please click HERE to see verification of Pride's Pedigree, DNA test for homozygous tobiano and Blood Type Research into the pedigrees of Registered Tennessee Walking Horses indicates that a mare named Sandy Sun's Sally (#471671) is one of the first registered Tennessee Walking Horses to carry and pass on the tobiano gene to registered Tennessee Walking Horse offspring. Sandy Sun's Sally's pedigree traces to the foundation of the registry. There were others. Dotie X- 5 and Joy Walker by Joe Allen and Curlee's Spotted Alen were also early tobianos. [The last progeny of Joy Walker registered with TWHBEA was in 1950. There are no lines to Joy Walker in today's Walking Horses] These foundation horses passed the tobiano gene on to many but not all of the tobiano horses we see in the registry today. Inheritance of the tobiano gene was not always well understood. It is now known to be a case of simple Mendelian dominance controlled by one pair of alleles. This means the tobiano pattern, unlike sabino and overo, cannot skip a generation and that a tobiano horse must have at least one genotypically but not necessarily phenotically tobiano parent ( Please see Crypto~Tobiano ) Before this fact was known, the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association allowed tobiano horses without one tobiano parent to be registered. This brings into question the true parentage of these horses. These so called "grandfathered" horses and their offspring are not from 100 % registered Tennessee Walking Horse stock. In 1989, the requirement of blood typing was adopted by TWHBEA to maintain the integrity of the breed. The "grandfathered" horses and their off spring, having been previously registered, remain on the books. Individuals who want to own a registered tobiano Walking Horse can only be assured that the horse is 100 % Tennessee Walking Horse if the horse's pedigree traces to the foundation of the breed. Registered:
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association International Pleasure Walking Horse Registry Spotted Saddle Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association Racking Horse Breeders Association of America National Spotted Saddle Horse Association Pinto Horse Association of America
Black and White Tobiano 15.3 Hands Unshod Breed for Color, Size, Gait, Gentle Temperament and Pedigree Transported Semen Is Available Over 400 million cells/ml. and excellent motility after 24 hours! DNA Testing From the University of Kentucky Indicates This Stallion is Homozygous for the Tobiano Gene. 100% Color Producer, Live Spotted Foal Guaranteed !
Click Here for a Breeding Contract Click Here for a Transported Semen Contract Click Here for Information on Transported Semen Click Here to See Some of Pride's Foals
Skies R Blue Stables Tennessee Walking Horses, Spotted Saddle Horses 70 Camino Vista Grande, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508 505-470-6345 Tim Beckmon, Owner - Breeding Manager
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1997 Tennessee Walking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Pinto Horse, Homozygous Tobiano. |